Wednesday, July 12, 2006


It's raining outside. We're probably getting the storms that passed over the Midwest yesterday.

I've never minded thunderstorms. As long as I'm inside, they're not going to hurt me. They're also a good excuse to turn the TV off and just sort of be for a while. And, living in Central Pennsylvania as I do, the rain helps reduce some of the humidity that seems to settle in from May until mid-September.

When I was driving home this afternoon, I noticed ears on the cornstalks. Cumberland County is very corn-intensive and during the summer, you see acres and acres of it. Other things grow here, too; there are a lot of orchards that grow apples and stone fruit, but corn predominates here.

In fact, fresh food is the only reason I like summer at all. Summer is hot and humid and buggy. It's going from cool house to air-conditioned car to air-conditioned building and back. It's mosquito bites on inconvenient body parts. It's too much sun. It's long days with not a lot to do. Winter isn't that much different, except that it's too cold. Spring makes me sneeze.

Which leaves fall. Fall is, without a doubt, the best season. It's warm, but the first little chill is nice. The leaves on the trees on Kittatinny Ridge are vivid red, orange and yellow. I like breaking out the sweatshirts and being able to wear jeans without roasting to death. And football is the best. Game. Ever.

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